Sunday, March 24, 2013

Getting Physically Closer

I appreciate Laura Peredo's opinion article "How NOT to convert people to being pro-life," on Live Action's website, see link below. 
I didn't used to think standing outside the abortion clinic was an effective strategy, but recently I felt compelled to get physically closer to where this abomination is occurring.  And I wanted to do SOMETHING.  So, I've gone a few times and held a sign, hoping to be loving to the women going in and out, hoping to make some difference for the little lives.

1 comment:

  1. I met a girl who exists because someone stood outside an abortion clinic and offered to pray for her mom. Her mom still walked in. But then she walked out again. Her mom was actually a Christian who told God to 'give her a sign' if He didn't want the baby aborted. The man praying was her sign.
    I've only done it once. It was so emotionally painful. But I think its important. Back in my hometown, there's always a little crowd of praying people by the abortion clinic. Among the most faithful is a German woman who was a teenager in WWII, stood up to the Nazis, and got put in a labor camp, had her friends shot, etc. She says what is happening now is what happened in Germany. It's all about dehumanizing a segment of the population. I really respect her wisdom on things, the fact she stands outside of the clinic praying, means it must be important, I think.
